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UniFi Full Stack Professional (UFSP)
is a half-day introduction course intended to precede & complement other specialized training courses on the UniFi platform (ex. UWA). Using Cloud Gateway devices, students train on the UniFi “full stack” of software applications available to technical professionals seeking futureproof enterprise solutions in the dynamically changing IT world.
UniFi Overview
UniFi Applications
UniFi Wireless Admin (UWA)
is a 2-3 day, in-class training course focused on the most important concepts in Enterprise Wireless Networking, with special emphasis on best practices for designing/managing UniFi WLANs. Learn with hands-on lab activities using Cloud Gateway devices, as well as the latest generation of UniFi APs.
Course Outline
Intro to UniFi WLANs
RF Fundamentals
802.11 Networking
WLAN Planning & Design
WLAN Deployment
WLAN Troubleshooting
The full course outline can be viewed here